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Minseok Jang
University at Albany, State University of New York
- Research FellowBurning a Monopoly: Kerosene and Anti-monopoly Politics Against Standard Oil, 1848-1911
Heewon Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Research FellowCoding Actions, Making Faces: Understanding the Human Through Faces 1960 – 2000
Shirley Kinney
Ph.D., Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowUntangling the Manuscripts and Medicine of the Pseudo-Apuleius Group
Alexei Kojevnikov
Department of History, University of British Columbia
- Research FellowKnabenphysik: Cultural Crises, Postdoctoral Revolt, and Social Contexts of the Quantum Revolution
Oliver Lazarus
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowDomesticating Empire: American Power and the Industrialization of Life
Jamie Marsella
PhD candidate in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research Fellow"The Science of Right Living”: Euthenics in Child Welfare Reform 1900-1930
Catherine Mas
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Florida International University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowSweet Captivity: A Transnational History of Primatology and Culture
Kirsten Moore Sheeley
Assistant Professor, Program in the History of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Research FellowChasing the Magic Bullet: This History and Consequences of Vaccine Research
Derek Nelson
Ph.D., Department of History, University of New Hampshire
- Emanuel FellowReexamining Historical Introductions of Marine Wood-Boring Species from the Perspective of the History of Science and Technology
Donald L Opitz
Associate Professor, DePaul University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS)
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowDaughters of Ceres: The Scientific Advancement of Women in Horticulture, 1870–1920
Bican Polat
Humanities, New York University Shanghai
- Research FellowAdjustment, Mental Hygiene, and Child Study: The Advent of the Personality and Culture Perspective in American Social Science
Jennifer Reiss
PhD candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowUndone Bodies: Women and Disability in Early America
Chelsea Schields
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, Irvine
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowCharged Currents: Electric Power in the Caribbean
Y L Lucy Wang
PhD candidate in Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
- Research FellowContagious Places, Curative Spaces: Disease in the Making of Modern Chinese Architecture, 1894-1949
Jiemin Tina Wei
PhD student in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowAmeliorating Fatigue at Work: Workplace-Management, Mind-Body Medicine, and Self-Help for Industrial Fatigue in the U.S., 1900-1950
Angela Xia
PhD candidate in Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowThe Rest of Life: Hospice, Aging, and the Expansion of Palliative Care in America, 1971-2000
Che Yeun
PhD candidate in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowThe Finishing Touch: Cleaning and Feeling Modern American Bodies, 1890-1970
Derek Baron
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Historical Musicology, New York University
- Research FellowThe Biopolitics of Voice: Speech Sciences and the Articulation of Race in Nineteenth-Century America
Barrie Blatchford
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University
- Research FellowUnnatural Selection: Animal Acclimatization, Nation-Building, and the Transformation of American Nature, 1865-1970
Camilla Cannon
Ph.D. Student, Department of American Studies, George Washington University
- Research FellowStandard: The Institutionalization of Transgender Medicine
Leo Chu
Ph.D. Student, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
- Research FellowHarvesting Diversity: Ecology, Agriculture, and the Remaking of Development, 1970-2010
Nayanika Ghosh
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Harvard University
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowGenes and Gender: Sociobiology and the Emergence of a Political Critique of Science
F Eliza Glaze
Professor, Department of History, Coastal Carolina University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowMedicine in the Making: Reading Hippocrates and Galen in Early Salerno and Monte Cassino
Benjamin Goossen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago
- Research FellowThe Year of the Earth (1957-1958): Cold War Science and the Making of Planetary Consciousness
Anthony Greco
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Research FellowEngineering Egypt: Science, Culture, and Nation in the Age of Empire
Holly Gruntner
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, College of William & Mary
- Dissertation FellowFertile Ground: Kitchen Gardens and Knowledge Production in Early America
Hiro Hirai
Research Associate, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowPseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Science and Medicine
Rana Hogarth
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowMeasuring Miscegenation: Eugenic Race-Crossing Studies and the Legacies of Slavery
Zsuzsanna Ihar
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
- Research FellowArming the Field: The Deployment of Agricultural Science in the Context of War and in its Aftermath (1990-2020)
Adam Johnson
Ph.D., Department of History, University of Michigan
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowInformation Control and Indigenous Politics of Documentation in the American Southwest
Bethany Johnson
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of South Carolina
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowIn the Aftermath of the “Lost” Pandemic: Philadelphia, 1919-1922
Judith Kaplan
Ph.D., National Science Foundation Research Scholar
- Fellow in ResidenceLinguistics: Reconstructing the Discipline through Universals Research
Julia Marino
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
- Research FellowFighting for Capitalism's Cutting Edge: The Postindustrial Crusade for Technological and Economic Competitiveness
Margaret Maurer
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Dissertation FellowEveryday Alchemy
Julia Menzel
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in History; Anthropology; and Science, Technology, Society, MIT
- Research FellowEnigmatic Nature: Absent Laws and Hidden Objects in Theoretical Physics, 1967-2004