Fellows Updates

Jessica Linker

Jessica is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Haverford and Bryn Mawr, and a short-term fellow at the Library Company of Philadelphia. Jessica's dissertation won the 2019 Zuckerman Dissertation Prize at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies. Her postdoc project, a digital history of Bryn Mawr women in science can be seen at: https://digitalscholarship.brynmawr.edu/howis/

Lisa Ruth Rand

Ruth has begun a two-year Haas Fellowship at the Science History Institute.

Jonson Miller

Jonson will be publishing his book, The White Manhood of Engineering: Creating Engineers at the Antebellum Virginia Military Institute with Lever Press.

James Poskett

James published Materials of the Mind: Phrenology, Race, and the Global History of Science, 1815-1920 with University of Chicago Press.

Jonathan Jones

Jonathan has two forthcoming publications: "Opium Slavery: Civil War Veterans and Opiate Addiction" in The Journal of the Civil War Era and "Buying and Selling Masculinity: Civil War Veterans and Opiate Addiction Patent Cures" in Caroline E. Janney and James Marten, eds., Buying and Selling the Civil War.

Neeraja Sankaran

Neeraja is now editor of the HSS Newsletter, and has two publications: "Macfarlane Burnet: The Concept of Self" in Interference: International Review of Science 4, no. 4 (July 2019), and Anderson W., Sankaran N. (2019) "Historiography and Immunology" in Dietrich M., Borello M., Harman O. (eds), Handbook of the Historiography of Biology: Historiographies of Science, volume 1 (Springer, 2022). Neeraja will be an International Visiting Fellow at the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at the University of Leeds for one semester, beginning January 2020.

Joseph Malherek

Joseph will be a Junior Fellow at the Institute for Advance Study at Central European University in Budapest for the 2019-202 academic year. He also recently published "Shopping Malls and Social Democracy: Victor Gruen's Postwar Campaign for Conscientious Consumption in American Suburbia," in Consumer Engineering, 1920s-1970s: Marketing between Expert Planning and Consumer Responsiveness, eds. Jan Logemann, Gary Cross and Ingo Köhler.

Geoff Bil

Geoff began a position as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware.

Shana Lopes

Shana joined the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as Assistant Curator of Photography

Óscar Moisés Torres Montúfar

Óscar begins a position as Professor at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), Mexico.