Fellows Updates

Dora Vargha

Dora's paper, "Between East and West: Polio Vaccination Across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 88 (2) Summer 2014, was awarded the 2016 J. Worth Estes Prize of the American Association for the History of Medicine. The prize is awarded for the best published article in the history of pharmacology. Dora organized a conference in London in late May titled After the End of Disease, for which she received a Wellcome Trust Small Grant.

James Risk

Risk was recently awarded the John A. and Annie Rice Excellence in Teaching Award by the Department of History of the University of South Carolina. Risk also won a Pam Laird Research Grant from the Mercurians, a Special Interest Group of the Society for the History of Technology, a Clyde Ferrell Summer Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Department of History of the University of South Carolina, and a Richard A. Bacas Scholarship from the George Mason University Institute for Humane Studies.

Douglas O'Reagan

In August 2016, Douglas will take up a postdoctoral fellowship at MIT, consulting on the future of the digital humanities at MIT.

Emily Klancher Merchant

Merchant finished her Ph.D. in History at the University of Michigan and began a postdoc at Dartmouth College, in the Neukom Institute for Computational Science and the Department of History.

James Poskett

Poskett has won the Adrian Research Fellowship in "Darwin and the Humanities" at Darwin College, UK, starting in October 2015. Poskett's article on the transatlantic publication and reception of "Crania Americana" (1839) was recently accepted for publication with History of Science.

Abraham Gibson

Abe was recently hired as Lecturer in the School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies at Arizona State University. Abe's first book, Feral Animals in the American South, was published by Cambridge University Press on August 31, 2016.

Nicole Belolan

Nicole has accepted a position at Rowan University as the Megan Giordano Fellow in Public History and the Curator at Redbank Battlefield and the Whitall House in Gloucester County, NJ.

Lawrence Kessler

He was awarded the 2016 W. Turrentine Jackson article award from the American Historical Association's Pacific Coast Branch for the article "A Plantation upon a Hill; Or, Sugar without Rum: Hawai'i's Missionaries and the Founding of the Sugarcane Plantation System," Pacific Historical Review (May 2015, vol. 84, no. 2). Lawrence was also awarded the 2016 Dr. J. Barnes award for best history dissertation from Temple University.

Abraham Gibson

Abe's first book, Feral Animals in the American South: An Evolutionary History, is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press and is expected to appear in summer of 2016.

Wendy Gonaver

Wendy authored The Peculiar Institution and the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1840–1880, currently available for pre-order, with publication by UNC Press scheduled for March 2019.