Fellows Updates

Kevin Baker

Kevin completed his dissertation and accepted a two-year postdoc at University of California, Berkeley, in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department.

Leah Aronowsky

Leah received the History of Science Society's 2019 Ronald Rainger Award for best early career work in the history of earth and environmental sciences.

Derek Nelson

Derek received the 2024 Edward Gerjuoy/John Michell Award from the History of Science Society.

Julia Mansfield

Julia was recently awarded the 58th annual Allan Nevins Prize by the Society of American Historians for her dissertation, The Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805. The prize recognizes the best written dissertation on an American topic.

Lisa Ruth Rand

This year Ruth held the 2015-16 NASA Fellowship in the History of Space Technology. In fall 2015, she presented a paper titled "Up to Earth: Falling Space Junk and the Spatial Expansion of Environmental Politics during the Long 1970s" at the Society for the History of Technology annual meeting, and was a featured guest on the podcast at Environmental History Resources. In spring 2016 she attended, presented a paper, and organized a panel at the American Society for Environmental History annual meeting. Her recent publications include (with Dave Baiocchi) Good Seeing: Best Practices for Sustainable Operations at the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site (RAND Corporation, 2016) and a review of Turchetti and Roberts, eds., The Surveillance Imperative: Geosciences during the Cold War and Beyond, published in Quest: The History of Spaceflight Quarterly 23 no. 1 (2016). She has publications forthcoming in several forums, including Isis, the Smithsonian Institution, and Physics World. In the spring semester Ruth was awarded a 2016-2018 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sarah Basham

2016-17 Dissertation Writing Fellow

Nick Best

Best's article, "Meta-Incommensurability between Theories of Meaning: Chemical Evidence," recently appeared in Perspectives on Science. His translation of an important paper by Lavoisier will soon be published in two parts in Foundations of Chemistry: "Lavoisier's 'Reflections on phlogiston' I: against phlogiston theory," and "'Reflections on phlogiston' II: on the nature of heat."