
  • Ryan Dahn

    Ph.D., Department of Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, University of Chicago
    - Fellow in Residence

    Nazi Entanglement: Pascual Jordan, Quantum Mechanics, and the Legacy of the Third Reich

  • Menglu Gao

    Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literary Studies and English, Northwestern University
    - Research Fellow

    The Lacquered Chinese Box: Opium, Addiction, and the Fantasy of Empire in Nineteenth-century British Literature

  • Kit Heintzman

    Lecturer, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
    - Research Fellow

    Medicine Unbridled: Veterinarians and Multispecies Statecraft, 1750-1815

  • Alani Hicks Bartlett

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Medieval Studies, Brown University
    - Research Fellow

    The Cure Gone Awry: Gender, Dis/ability, and the Ailing Empire in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

  • Johanna Hood

    Discovery Early Career Research Fellow, School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales
    - Research Fellow

    Vital Fluid: Evolving Social, Moral and Economic Values of Blood and Cadavers in China

  • Lawrence Kessler

    Ph.D., Department of History, Temple UniversityConsortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
    - Fellow in Residence

    Planter's Paradise: Sugar and the Conquest of Hawaiʻi

  • Charles Kollmer

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
    - Research Fellow

    From Elephant to Bacterium: Microbes, Microbiologists, and the Chemical Order of Nature

  • Christa Kuljian

    Research Associate, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand
    - Research Fellow

    Persistent Biological Myths: Fifty Years of Creating a Feminist Approach to Science and Technology Studies (STS), 1969-2019

  • Xiao Li

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Southern Illinois University
    - Research Fellow

    "A New Woman”: Yamei Kin’s Contributions to Medicine and Women’s Rights in the U.S. and China, 1864-1934

  • Diana Louis

    Assistant Professor, Women's Studies and American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    - Research Fellow

    Colored Insane: Slavery, Asylums, and Mental Illness in the 19th Century

  • Zachary Mann

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Literature and Media Studies, University of Southern California
    - Research Fellow

    The Punch Card Imagination: Authorship and Early Computing History

  • Patr cia Martins Marcos

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Science Studies Program, University of California, San Diego
    - Research Fellow

    Political Medicine: Science Sovereignty and the Government of Imperial Bodies in the Portuguese Atlantic (1715-1818)

  • Cristina Nigro

    PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, History & Social Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
    - Dissertation Fellow

    The Active Brain - A History of the Electrophysiological and Molecular Study of Cognition in the 20th Century

  • Megan Piorko

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Georgia State University 
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Chymical Collections: Seventeenth-Century Textual Transmutations in the Work of Arthur Dee and Elias Ashmole

  • Aditya Ramesh

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
    - Research Fellow

    Vital Cities: Public Health, Non-Human Life and Infrastructure in South Asian Cities, 1890-1970

  • Katherine Reinhart

    Ph.D., History of Art, University of Cambridge
    - NEH Postdoctoral Fellow

    Images for the King: Art, Science, and Power in Louis XIV’s France

  • Alexis Rider

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    A Melting Fossil: Ice, Life, and Time in the Cryosphere, 1840-1970

  • Emma Schroeder

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Maine
    - Research Fellow

    Women's Transnational Technological Activism and the Origins of Ecological Domesticity, 1960-1989

  • Dorin Smith

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, Brown University
    - Research Fellow

    Fictional Brains: Reflecting on the Neural Subject in the Nineteenth-Century American Novel

  • Justin Tackett

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of English, Stanford University
    - Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow

    Poetry and Sound Technology, 1816-1914; Hardy and Radio; Poetics and the Prehistory of Silent Film, c.1880-c.1930

  • Rebecca Woods

    Assistant Professor, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
    - Keith S. Thomson Research Fellow

    Body of Animal, Body of Evidence: Paleolithic Remains and the History of Science

  • Sarah Xia Yu

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    Healthy and Hygienic Publics in Republican China, 1912--1949


  • Elaine Ayers

    Ph.D. Candidate, Program in the History of Science, Princeton University
    - Albert M. Greenfield Research Fellow

    Strange Beauty: Botanical Collection, Preservation, and Display in the 19th Century Tropics

  • Ekaterina Babintseva

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Computer-Based Education in the Cold War United States and Soviet Union: Cyberdreams of the Information Age

  • Edward Barnet

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Stanford University
    - Research Fellow

    Homo Musicus: The Early Modern Musical Science of the Human Being

  • Jaime Benchimol

    Senior Researcher, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz
    - Research Fellow

    Leishmaniases of the New World in a Historical and Global Perspective.

  • Geoff Bil

    Ph.D. New York Botanical Gardens
    - Research Fellow

    Fields of Empire: Science, Ethnoscience and the Making of the American Century

  • Scottie Hale Buehler

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California at Los Angeles
    - Research Fellow

    Being and Becoming a Midwife in 18th century France: Pedagogical Practices and Objects

  • Chelsea Chamberlain

    Doctoral Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    Diagnostic Clinics and the Problem of Human Defect in Progressive America

  • Benjamin Cohen

    Associate Professor, Engineering Studies and Environmental Studies, Layfayette College 
    - Research Fellow

    The Future of Agriculture: A Technological History

  • Jessica Dandona

    Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
    - Research Fellow

    The Transparent Woman: Medical Visualities in Fin-de-Siècle Europe and the United States, 1890–1914

  • Theodora Dryer

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego
    - Fellow in Residence

    Designing Certainty: The Rise of Algorithmic Planning in An Age of Anxiety, 1920-1961

  • Alexandra Fair

    M.A. Candidate, Department of History, Miami University
    - Research Fellow

    Eugenic Expectations: How the Medical Economy Changed and Sustained Eugenic Ideology in Post-WWII America

  • Ellery Foutch

    Assistant Professor, American Studies, Middlebury College
    - Research Fellow

    The Artists' Models: Natural History Specimens and their Illustrations

  • Stephen Hausmann

    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Temple University
    - Research Fellow

    Indian Country: Race and Environment in the Black Hills, 1850-1992

Fellows Updates

Christa Kuljian

Christa presented this year's Annual Steve Biko Bioethics lecture titled: Scientific Racism: Histories, Legacies, and Ethics.

Derek Baron

Derek completed his dissertation and has taken a position as Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers.

Daniel Vandersommers

Dan's first monograph, Entangled Encounters at the National Zoo: Stories from the Animal Archive is now available from University of Kansas Press.

Patrick Walsh

Patrick has published an op-ed in the Chronicle of Higher Education (registration required).

Christopher Heaney

Charis Boke

Charis has been appointed Lecturer at Dartmouth College.

Michelle Frank

Michelle published an article about Chien-Shiung Wu in the April issue of Scientific American.

Megan Piorko

Megan has accepted a position as Distinctive Collections Librarian at Falvey Memorial Library, Vilanova University, where she will be cataloging new acquisitions and designing special collections exhibits.

Marcos Cueto

Marcos published with Gabriel Lopes, "Braiding Public Health and Human Rights: AIDS, Activism, and International Agencies in Brazil, 1987–1996" Latin American Research Review (2022), 1–17 doi:10.1017/lar.2022.99. Published online: 02 November 2022

The article is available through open access at https://www.doi.org/10.1017/lar.2022.99

Jessica Dandona

Jessica received M. C. Lang Fellowship in Book History, Bibliography, and Humanities Teaching with Historical Sources, from the Rare Book School in Charlottesville, VA.

Jessica also has several forthcoming publications:

"The Fetus in the Museum: Personhood, Pregnancy, and Anatomical Preparations, 1850–1900," in Death in Visual Culture, special journal issue (for Mortality), ed. Jessica Orzulak and Kaylee Alexander (forthcoming 2022).

"Paper Pregnancies: Visualizing the Maternal Body, 1880–1900," in The Coming of Age of the Public Fetus: Exploring Pregnant and Fetal Bodies in Visual Culture, ed. Elisabet Björklund and Solveig Jülich (Rochester, NY: Rochester University Press, forthcoming 2022).

"Skeletons in the Drawing Room: Popular Consumption of Flap Anatomies, 1880–1900," in Myth and Misinformation: Constructing the Medical Professions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century English Literature and Culture, ed. Helen Williams, Allan Ingram, and Clark Lawlor (Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming 2022).

"‘The Lady Anatomist’: Fragmented Bodies, Photographic Assemblage, and the ‘Art’ of Dissection at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1895–98," in Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge, ed. John Nott and Anna Harris (Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, forthcoming 2022).