
  • James Risk

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of South Carolina
    - Research Fellow

    Coastal Identities: Science, Technology, Commerce, and the State in American Seaports, 1790 - 1860

  • Carolyn Roberts

    Ph.D. CandidateAfrican and African American StudiesHarvard University
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Surgeon, Fetish Woman, Apothecary, Slave: The Medical Culture, Labor, and Economy of the British Slave Trade, 1680-1807

  • Whitney Robles

    Ph.D. CandidateAmerican StudiesHarvard University
    - Research Fellow

    Gathering the Animals: Natural History in America to 1815

  • Maxwell Rogoski

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
    - Research Fellow

    Surface and Self: Science and the Social Economy of Skin in the Twentieth Century

  • Sarah Sussman

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of EnglishUniversity of Texas at Austin
    - Research Fellow

    Divining a Usable Past: Psychical Research and the High-Culture Novel, 1880-1940

  • Dora Vargha

    Postdoctoral Research AssociateBirbeck College, University of London
    - Research Fellow

    Road to Eradication: Global Polio Vaccine Testing in the Cold War


  • Nicole Belolan

    University of Delaware
    - Research Fellow

    Navigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1700-1861

  • Amanda Casper

    University of Delaware
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Home Alteration in Industrial Philadelphia, 1865 to 1925

  • Cara Fallon

    Harvard University
    - Research Fellow

    One Hundred Years of Health: Changing Expectations for Aging Well in 20th Century America

  • Abraham Gibson

    Ph.D., Department of HistoryFlorida State University
    - Postdoctoral Fellow

    In Search of the Social Impulse: Science and Conciliation during the Interwar Years, 1919-1939

  • Abigail Glogower

    University of Rochester
    - Research Fellow

    Lives of the Copyists: Replicating Subjects in Antebellum American Print Culture 1820-1860

  • Heidi Hausse

    Princeton University
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Life and Limb: Technology, Surgery, and Bodily Loss in Early Modern Germany

  • Phillip Honenberger

    Ph.D.Department of PhilosophyTemple University
    - Fellow in Residence

    The Philosophy of Biology in North America, 1959-2009: Disciplinary Symbioses, Constitutive Tensions, and Branching Lineages

  • Julia Mansfield

    Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
    - Fellow in Residence

    The Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805

  • Jonson Miller

    Associate Teaching ProfessorDrexel University
    - Research Fellow

    Engineers as Servant-Leaders of the Old South: The Southern Military Schools and the Foundation of the New South

  • Sarah Naramore

    University of Notre Dame
    - Research Fellow

    The Last Great System: Benjamin Rush's Physiological Worldview

  • Elizabeth Searcy

    Brown University
    - Research Fellow

    The Unconscious Mind in America, 1880-1917

  • Jeannie Shinozuka

    Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Research AssociateUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    - Research Fellow

    Biotic Borderlands: Constituting Race in Transnational Public Health and Agriculture, 1880-1945

  • Roberto Chauca Tapia

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Florida
    - Dissertation Fellow

    Science in the Jungle: The Missionary Mapping and National Imagining of Western Amazonia

  • Christopher Willoughby

    Tulane University
    - Research Fellow

    Treating the Black Body: Race and Medicine in American Culture, 1800-1861


  • Kathleen Brian

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of American StudiesGeorge Washington University
    - Research Fellow

    Morbid Propensities: Suicide, Sympathy, and the Making of the Eugenic Public, 1843-1903

  • Sarah Chesney

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of AnthropologyCollege of William and Mary
    - Research Fellow

    The Fruit of Their Labors: Exploring William Hamilton's Greenhouse Complex and the Rise of American Botany in Early Federal Philadelphia

  • Erin Corrales Diaz

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of ArtUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
    - Research Fellow

    Remembering the Veteran: Disability, Trauma, and the American Civil War, 1861-1915

  • Elisabeth Berry Drago

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Art HistoryUniversity of Delaware
    - Research Fellow

    Thomas Wijck’s Painted Alchemists at the Intersection of Art, Science and Practice

  • Emily Handlin

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History of Art and ArchitectureBrown University
    - Research Fellow

    Moving Beyond Vision: Eadweard Muybridge in Philadelphia

  • Kathryn Irving

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryYale University
    - Research Fellow

    The American Idiot Schools: Disability and Segregation in the Nineteenth Century

  • Jason Kauffman

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
    - Research Fellow

    Terra Desconhecida: Nature, Knowledge, and Society in the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil and Bolivia

  • Joel Klein

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Philosophy of ScienceIndiana University
    - Research Fellow

    Chymistry, Corpuscularism, and Controversy: The Ideas and Influence of Daniel Sennert (1572-1637)

  • Jessica Linker

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Connecticut
    - Research Fellow

    "It is My Wish to Behold Ladies among my Hearers": Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860

  • Julia Mansfield

    Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
    - Dissertation Fellow

    The Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805

  • Teasel Muir Harmony

    Ph.D. CandidateHistory, Anthropology and Science, Technology and SocietyMassachusetts Institute of Technology
    - Dissertation Fellow

    The Space Race and American Public Diplomacy

  • Rebecca Onion

    Ph.D.Department of American StudiesUniversity of Texas, Austin
    - Postdoctoral Fellow

    Dark Futures: Environmental Catastrophes and American Childhood in the 1970s

  • Donald Opitz

    Associate ProfessorSchool for New LearningDePaul University
    - Research Fellow

    Cross-Atlantic Fertilizations: Women’s Horticultural Education at Ambler, Pennsylvania

  • James Poskett

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Philosophy of ScienceUniversity of Cambridge
    - Research Fellow

    Printing skulls: the transatlantic publication and reception of Crania Americana (1839)

  • Kristen Ann Woytonik

    Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of New Hampshire
    - Research Fellow

    A Healthy Independence: The Politics, Science, and Business of Healthcare in Early Republic Philadelphia

Fellows Updates

Joseph Malherek

Joseph Malherek has a publication contract from Central European University Press for his manuscript (title subject to change), "The Frankfurt School’s Other: Socialist Émigrés Who Made Capitalist Culture in America, 1918–1956."

Abraham Gibson

Abe Gibson has been appointed assistant professor at University of Texas, San Antonio.

Kelly O'Donnell

Kelly O’Donnell has been appointed lecturer at Yale.

Teasel Muir-Harmony

Teasel Muir-Harmony published Operation Moonglow: A Political History of Project Apollo (Basic Books, 2020).

Lisa Ruth Rand

Lisa Ruth Rand has been appointed Assistant Professor of History at Caltech. Ruth also signed a contract with Harvard University Press for her book, Space Junk: A History of Waste in Orbit, and has received a six-month Guggenheim fellowship at the National Air and Space Museum.

Matthew White

Matthew White recently took a position as Museum Liaison with the Capitol Museum Services, an exhibition design and fabrication company in Manassas, VA. CMS has been creating meaningful exhibits covering history, science, anthropology, natural sciences, sports and children’s discovery for government, corporate and private museums.

Rosanna Dent

was awarded the Burnham Early Career Award from the Forum for the History of the Human Sciences of the History of Science Society.

Tamara Kneese

Tamara Kneese has recently published a co-edited special issue of Social Text on the subject of Radical Care. 

Charles Kollmer

Charles Kollmer has accepted a position as Postdoctoral Instructor in History of Modern Biology at Caltech.

Susan Hanket Brandt

Susan published a book chapter titled, “Marketing Medicine: Apothecary Elizabeth Weed’s Economic Independence during the American Revolution” in Women in the American Revolution: Gender, Politics, and the Domestic World, edited by Barbara B. Oberg and published by the University of Virginia Press in May 2019. She is under contract with the University of Pennsylvania Press to publish her book, Women Healers: Gender and Medical Authority in Early Philadelphia. Susan teaches history at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.